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150 Jahre Weiherer Bier
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Draw your cards for Ukraine

Created on Mar 9, 2022

After a one year break, the tradition of the Weiherer Taubenmarkt (pigeon market) continues. On two Mondays, March 14th and April 11th, from 6 p.m.we will sell tickets for charity in a convivial atmosphere including pub music. This year, all proceeds will go to Pastor Bogdan Puszkar, the long-time pastor of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic community in Bamberg, for the benefit of Ukraine.

The Taubenmarkt interest group Viereth around Andreas Nüsslein launched the Taubenmarkt 2017 together with the owners of the brewery, Roland and Oswald Kundmüller. The renovation of the small chapel between Viereth and Weiher was financed with the first Taubenmärkte, most recently the interest group supported the construction of the Sternenzelt children's hospice. Due to current events, the proceeds this year are dedicated to the victims of the Ukraine conflict.

Drawing cards for a good cause: once upon a time, at the Taubenmärkte pigeons, pigs and other animals were really auctioned off to the highest bidder in the local inn, nowadays the tradition has developed more in the direction of culinary products. Homemade cakes, sweet baskets, home-made specialties and of course beer are available for the winner. The rules: 36 Franconian cards are sold to guests for 1 euro each. When all are taken, a lucky fairy draws a card from a new set. Now whoever bought the same card in the previous game is the winner of a delightful prize.

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